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Climb the Mountain

Speech & Debate Foundation


Climb the Mountain provides support for coaches, students, and judges to build a bigger and even better speech and debate community.

About Us



Judging Basics

Step 3 You Give it a Try

Now—give it a try on two short speeches.


Watch Speech 1: Katie Bergus’s Shark Speech (you just watched it in Step 2)

Watch Speech 2:  Chandra Carlisle's Deontology vs Utilitarian Speech

(note—the volume is significantly louder on Chandra’s video)


In an email . . .

·        Write at least one comment on what Speaker 1 did well and what Speaker 2 did well.

·        Write at least one comment on what Speaker 2 did well and what Speaker 2 could improve on.

·        Give each speaker a rating (scoring from 20 to 30 points, 30 is best possible) and a rank (1 for best, 2 for second best).

Email your ballot to Jim Hanson at

Jim or a climber will give you feedback within 24 hours.


While you wait for Jim to get back to you . . . Continue to Step 4 . . .






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