1. Elementary Topics (November 2024)

To be announced in late September.



2. Elementary Debating Times

Each and every student in the debate

1) presents a case,

2) asks and answer questions of another debater,

3) responds to opponent’s case, and

4) defends their case and weighs the arguments made in the debate.


Students get “Huddles” which is time to prepare with each other/on their own before each of their speeches.


If there are only 3 on each side, skip the 4th speaker.

If one team has less speakers—that team’s debaters have to take on 2 speaker positions.


·       Case Huddles 6 minutes

·       Then . . .

·       Case speeches 1.5 minutes, Questions 1 minute

·       1st pro case, questions from 1st con

·       2nd pro case, questions from 2nd con

·       3rd pro case, questions from 3rd con

·       4th pro case, questions from 4th con

·       1st con case, questions from 1st pro

·       2nd con case, questions from 2nd pro

·       3rd con case, questions from 3rd pro

·       4th con case, questions from 4th pro


·       Response Huddles 3 minutes

·       Then . . .

·       Response speeches 1 minute

·       1st con responds to 1st pro case

·       2nd con responds to 2nd pro case

·       3rd con responds to 3rd pro case

·       4th con responds to 4th pro case

·       1st pro responds to 1st con case

·       2nd pro responds to 2nd con case

·       3rd pro responds to 3rd con case

·       4th pro responds to 4th con case


·       Defense and Weigh Huddles 3 minutes

·       Then . . .

·       Defense and Weigh speeches 1.5 minutes

·       1st con defends their case and weighs the arguments

·       2nd con defends their case and weighs the arguments

·       3rd con defends their case and weighs the arguments

·       4th con defends their case and weighs the arguments

·       1st pro defends their case and weighs the arguments

·       2nd pro defends their case and weighs the arguments

·       3rd pro defends their case and weighs the arguments

·       4th pro defends their case and weighs the arguments



3. Elementary Debating Rules


Elementary Debaters can be aged 8 to 12; should be 3rd-5th graders; exceptions to this require Jim Hanson’s approval.


Prep/Huddle Time Rules

         You CAN view and use materials you researched/prepared.

         You can research online during Prep Time/Huddles.

         You CAN talk with your debate partners

         You CAN hand-write/flow/type out arguments for your speeches.

         You CANNOT get debating help from coach(es) or parent(s) during prep time.


During the Debate

         You CAN pass notes or text message/chat with your debate partners.

         You CAN quietly speak with your debate partners who are not speaking (don’t interrupt the debaters speaking).

         You CANNOT get help from coach(es) or parent(s) during the debate.

         You CANNOT speak to teammates who are speaking.

         No heckling, no questions or comments out loud during another student’s speech.


         YES-YOU CAN USE LAPTOPS/E-DEVICES during elementary debates.


         Yes, you can research online BUT ONLY DURING HUDDLE TIMES—NOT DURING SPEECHES.