Climb the Mountain

Online Debate Tournament

Feb. 4, 2017, Saturday


   Using – Debating Online!

Tech Needs. 2

Setup an account on 2

Setup for postings, topics, announcements . . . 2

Debaters . . . 3

Judges: 5


Tech Needs

1. A webcam and microphone on your computer.

2. Firefox or Safari (Mac) or Chrome or Firefox (Windows) to access     NOTE: Internet Explorer does not work

Make sure your browser is up-to-date. Same with your skype—update it--in case you need to switch to it.

3. A good internet connection—with consistent, good speeds (really fast speeds not needed)

4. If you are able to have a backup computer as well as an alternate internet access (eg through tethering/personal-mobile hotspot on your phone), that would be good.

Setup an account on

1. Debatable will prompt you to register an account. Don’t worry, they’re free!

2. Please check your connection 15 minutes prior to the start of the tournament day and again prior to rounds after breaks such as for lunch.

Setup for postings, topics, announcements . . .

1. postings are at the warm room page:  

-- I suggest bookmarking it

-- topics will be posted on the warmroom page and on the climb online facebook page

2. join the climb online tournament facebook page—you can ask me and others questions, get help, see the topics, etc. in real time

--if you can’t do this—topics will be posted on the warm room page (above) and you can email Jim questions/concerns and Jim will get back to you as soon as he can.

Debaters . . .

A. when the topics are posted—set your timer for 20 minutes, and the AFFIRMATIVE debater should create the debate on; the negative debater should then join as soon as you see your debate (I believe the debate will show the debater’s name).

Affirmative Debater

Start a debate by clicking “Start One”.

“Debate Topic” the title of the debate you are assigned eg “UWB Smith vs. BC Cruz”.

“Category” should be the tournament itself, “Climb Tournament February 4th”

Check to see that your audio and video are on. The Neg debater should join you soon.

Negative Debater

Watch the main screen for your debate to appear.

When it does—join in.

B. strike topics using the chat function in (the chat button is in the lower right hand corner, looks like 2 balloons in a circle), the negative strikes the first topic, then the affirmative strikes the second topic, then the negative strikes the third topic, then the affirmative chooses the topic from the two remaining topics. Please orally confirm with each other the topic that you will debate.

The chat function stopped (messages aren’t getting responded to)? FIX by clicking the chat balloons circle twice—the chat should then show the latest messages.

C. Begin preparing—you have 20 minutes from the time the topics were announced.

D. The judge should enter the debate about 5 minutes before the round is to start.

E. Begin the debate 20 minutes after the topics were announced.

F. During the Debates

1. do _not_ debate or watch debates in the same room as another online debate. Causes bad reverbs/echos.

2. some testers last night suggested using earbuds/headphones for clearer sound. I, personally, found listening pretty easy to do though the sound does have some issues.

3. if the audio works—we suggest standing back a bit from the webcam so the judge sees the whole speaker rather than just a talking head (not required; please respect debater wishes).


A. when you get a ballot in your email, please reply right away to confirm you will be judging

B. 15 minutes after the topics are posted, join the debate you are supposed to judge (though don’t interrupt the debaters in their prep) (join the debate—don’t just watch it—this will allow the debaters to hear you and get your feedback and you can answer questions, etc.)

C. the debaters should begin their debate 20 minutes after the topics were posted

--we’ve suggested to debaters to stand back from the webcam so you can see them rather than just their heads so long as the audio is clear BUT please respect the debaters’ wishes—if that isn’t what they do, just leave it at that—don’t comment or downgrade their points.

D. at the end of the debate . . .

1. fill out the email ballot—please do so in the text of the email and do not move things around in the email

2. points should be 24.1 to 29.9

--24.1 is needs HUGE improvement; 29.9 is utterly amazing, one of the greatest speeches you’ve seen in several years

--most scores will be in the 26.8 to 28.8 range (yes—please use .1 increments; yes, you can have ties in points)

3. keep email ballot comments to a minimum or none at all; email the ballot to jim hanson as soon as possible

4. talk with the debaters explaining your reason for decision and how they could improve

5. after you are done talking with the debaters, reply again to the emailed ballot with a list of comments about the debate—especially things the debaters could do to improve in the future (jim will forward to coaches/debaters)



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Speaking Times:

1 minute prep before each speech


Judge – Coach Expectations PPoint

Student – Observer Expectations PPoint


NW Forensics Page with Other Climb Tournaments


Parli Flow Template (for judges only; computers not allowed in rounds for competitors except for those with a request  based on disabilities)


Email Jim Hanson (Tab) questions at or








External Links

Climb the Mountain Speech and Debate Foundation

IPDA Debate