Climb Online Team Champs
Round 1
Open Pub Forum
Florida St JoshMai (P) defeated U Idaho FrankGeorge
Idaho St JettJett (P) defeated UW Bothell JulieJulie
UW Bothell OmarOmar (C) defeated CC of San Fran AmyIvan
Split (Pro win %): 2/1 (0.67)
JV Pub Forum
Idaho St AlysonJoseph (C) defeated Webster U DanielaDaniela
Idaho St JazzyJazzy (C) defeated UW Bothell MiaMia
Jefferson St CC JosephNathan (C) defeated Santiago Canyon CC BriannaJustin
Murray State U GarrettVictoria (P) defeated U North Georgia TaylorTaylor
Seattle U DelaneyFlora (P) defeated Diablo Valley College DavidDavid
Split (Pro win %): 2/3 (0.4)
Novice Pub Forum
C of Southern Idaho KayleeKaylee (C) defeated Diablo Valley College CarlyCarly
CC of San Fran AdamaJonathan (C) defeated Diablo Valley College JacobJacob
Owensboro College CalebCaleb (P) defeated Santiago Canyon CC KyleMegan
UW Bothell AlexisKohl (P) defeated Diablo Valley College MirellaMirella
UW Bothell TimTim (C) defeated CC of San Fran IxchelJocelyn
Split (Pro win %): 2/3 (0.4)
TOTAL Splits for this round: 6/7 (0.46)