Idaho State CarranzaCarranza  3-0 171.2 (tot) Seed: 3
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Jazzy Carranza Jazzy Carranza
Rd 1 N Modesto GhaithTristao Riley Walter - U Montana   W 29.4 29.4
Rd 2 A UW Bothell FageeriFageeri* Andy Orr - So Idaho   W 28.6 28.6
Rd 3 A Seattle U CarlsonPalmer* Hans Khoe - Westmont   W 27.6 27.6
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.6 85.6
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.6 28.6
Z-Score 85.56 85.56
JV Semis A Westmont KalejaiyeWashburn Diane Carter,Taure Shimp,Ryan Guy - 
Idaho State CorgatelliTyler  3-0 173 (tot) Seed: 1
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Alyson Corgatelli Joseph Tyler
Rd 1 N U Montana CookCook* Ryan Guy - Modesto   W 29.5 28.5
Rd 2 A Westmont KalejaiyeWashburn* Thadeus Smith - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 29.5 29.5
Rd 3 N So Idaho LiermanTegan Denise Vaughan - UW Bothell   W 27.7 28.3
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 86.7 86.3
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 29.5 28.5
Z-Score 85.96 86.74
Open Finals A U Idaho WeltyWood Denise Vaughan,Andy Orr,Riley Walter - 
Modesto CiprianGhaith  0-3 160.8 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Donia Ghaith Alex Ciprian
Rd 1 A Seattle U DavidsonDavidson* Andy Christensen - Idaho State   L 25.1 25.1
Rd 2 N So Idaho LiermanTegan Diane Carter - U Idaho   L 27.8 28.1
Rd 3 A UW Bothell FageeriFageeri* Riley Walter - U Montana   L 26.8 27.9
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 79.7 81.1
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 26.8 27.9
Z-Score 80.41 82.16
Modesto GerardoGould  1-2 169.8 (tot) Seed: 8
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Gavin Gould Alexis Gerardo
Rd 1 A U Idaho WeltyWood* Sarah Partlow Lefevre - Idaho State   L 28.1 28.3
Rd 2 N Seattle U CarlsonPalmer* Riley Walter - U Montana   L 27.5 28.5
Rd 3 N U Montana DalbeyDalbey Diane Carter - U Idaho   W 29.2 28.2
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 84.8 85
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 28.1 28.3
Z-Score 84.63 85.14
Modesto GhaithTristao  0-3 169.3 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Eman Ghaith Derek Tristao
Rd 1 A Idaho State CarranzaCarranza* Riley Walter - U Montana   L 27.8 29
Rd 2 N Seattle U DavidsonDavidson* Hans Khoe - Westmont   L 28.8 28.9
Rd 3 A U Montana CookCook* Andy Orr - So Idaho   L 27.5 27.3
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 84.1 85.2
Total Opp Record 6-3 H/L Pts 27.8 28.9
Z-Score 83.73 85.08
Modesto PerezTallent  1-2 162.4 (tot) Seed: 11
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Clarice Perez Grant Tallent
Rd 1 A Seattle U CarlsonPalmer* Diane Carter - U Idaho   L 27.5 27.5
Rd 2 N U Montana DalbeyDalbey Sarah Partlow Lefevre - Idaho State   W 27.9 28
Rd 3 N Westmont KalejaiyeWashburn* Andy Christensen - Idaho State   L 25.7 25.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 81.1 81.3
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 27.5 27.5
Z-Score 82.38 82.74
Seattle U CarlsonPalmer  2-1 167.3 (tot) Seed: 6
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Mackenzie Palmer Ben Carlson
Rd 1 N Modesto PerezTallent Diane Carter - U Idaho   W 27 28.5
Rd 2 A Modesto GerardoGould Riley Walter - U Montana   W 28.8 28.4
Rd 3 N Idaho State CarranzaCarranza* Hans Khoe - Westmont   L 27.2 27.4
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83 84.3
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 27.2 28.4
Z-Score 82.11 83.79
JV Semis N UW Bothell FageeriFageeri Thadeus Smith,Hans Khoe,Andy Christensen - 
Seattle U DavidsonDavidson  2-1 175.4 (tot) Seed: 4
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Parker Davidson Parker Davidson
Rd 1 N Modesto CiprianGhaith Andy Christensen - Idaho State   W 28.9 28.9
Rd 2 A Modesto GhaithTristao Hans Khoe - Westmont   W 29 29
Rd 3 N U Idaho WeltyWood* Taure Shimp - Modesto   L 29.8 29.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 87.7 87.7
Total Opp Record 3-6 H/L Pts 29 29
Z-Score 87.53 87.53
So Idaho LiermanTegan  1-2 166.7 (tot) Seed: 10
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Kaylee Tegan Riley Lierman
Rd 1 N UW Bothell FageeriFageeri* Hans Khoe - Westmont   L 27.8 26.5
Rd 2 A Modesto CiprianGhaith Diane Carter - U Idaho   W 29.9 26.9
Rd 3 A Idaho State CorgatelliTyler* Denise Vaughan - UW Bothell   L 27.7 27.9
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.4 81.3
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 27.8 26.9
Z-Score 85.51 80.7
U Idaho WeltyWood  3-0 171.4 (tot) Seed: 2
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Daniel Welty Mariah Wood
Rd 1 N Modesto GerardoGould Sarah Partlow Lefevre - Idaho State   W 28.5 28.4
Rd 2 A U Montana CookCook* Andy Christensen - Idaho State   W 27.2 27.7
Rd 3 A Seattle U DavidsonDavidson* Taure Shimp - Modesto   W 29.7 29.9
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.4 86
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.5 28.4
Z-Score 84.72 87.56
Open Finals N Idaho State CorgatelliTyler Denise Vaughan,Andy Orr,Riley Walter - 
U Montana CookCook  1-2 167.4 (tot) Seed: 9
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Emily Cook Emily Cook
Rd 1 A Idaho State CorgatelliTyler* Ryan Guy - Modesto   L 28 28
Rd 2 N U Idaho WeltyWood* Andy Christensen - Idaho State   L 26.9 26.9
Rd 3 N Modesto GhaithTristao Andy Orr - So Idaho   W 28.8 28.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.7 83.7
Total Opp Record 6-3 H/L Pts 28 28
Z-Score 84.72 84.72
U Montana DalbeyDalbey  0-3 166.1 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Asher Dalbey Asher Dalbey
Rd 1 N Westmont KalejaiyeWashburn* Andy Orr - So Idaho   L 27.2 27.2
Rd 2 A Modesto PerezTallent Sarah Partlow Lefevre - Idaho State   L 27.4 27.5
Rd 3 A Modesto GerardoGould Diane Carter - U Idaho   L 28.4 28.4
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83 83.1
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 27.4 27.5
Z-Score 81.83 82.1
UW Bothell FageeriFageeri  2-1 172 (tot) Seed: 5
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Omar Fageeri Omar Fageeri
Rd 1 A So Idaho LiermanTegan Hans Khoe - Westmont   W 28.1 28.1
Rd 2 N Idaho State CarranzaCarranza* Andy Orr - So Idaho   L 28.4 28.4
Rd 3 N Modesto CiprianGhaith Riley Walter - U Montana   W 29.5 29.5
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 86 86
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.4 28.4
Z-Score 86.1 86.1
JV Semis A Seattle U CarlsonPalmer Thadeus Smith,Hans Khoe,Andy Christensen - 
Westmont KalejaiyeWashburn  2-1 165.4 (tot) Seed: 7
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Emily Washburn Ebun Kalejaiye
Rd 1 A U Montana DalbeyDalbey Andy Orr - So Idaho   W 29.1 26.7
Rd 2 N Idaho State CorgatelliTyler* Thadeus Smith - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 28.6 29
Rd 3 A Modesto PerezTallent Andy Christensen - Idaho State   W 26.1 25.9
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.8 81.6
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.6 26.7
Z-Score 83.85 81.43
JV Semis N Idaho State CarranzaCarranza Diane Carter,Taure Shimp,Ryan Guy -